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发布时间:2022-12-29 17:38









Ebola – what if the terrorists get the biological formula and then uses it for a bad cause? How can we prevent it? Do we really understand Ebola enough?

Neurobiology – studying how people uses their memory and defines any situation. Can we really rely upon our memories wile recalling any situation?

Immortality is real – studying those real creatures who can still survive even after a natural cause

Society and abortion – define this topic as why it is still a controversial topic in many countries

Plan pathology – discussing most common plant disease and its related causes

Transplantation – how this mechanism works and how some special precautions can be taken by the people? What consequences is generally supposed to happen? Do we have any other and safer alternative for it without the organ transformation?

Homoeothermic mammals vs poikilothermic body temperatures

How the molecular biological research can help in diagnosing cancer and other serious diseases with the help of rare genetic disorder

Defining the relationship between genetic and obesity

Animals homosexuality – phenomenon of bisexuality and homosexuality among different species of the animals are studied

Hormones – studying the chemical reaction happens in the human boy with the help of their hormones

History of the biology. Which type of development has brought the maximum benefit in the humanity?


相关热词搜索: 英国UCL大学Biology论文研究课题分享