发布时间:2022-11-17 15:01
1、英国主要大学的国际商法课程的历史视角。A historical perspective of international commercial law programs at leading universities in the UK.
2、国际商法及其对英国国家背景下商法的影响。International commercial law and its implications for commercial laws in the UK national context.
3、国际商法下的仲裁-政策和实践.Arbitration under international commercial law- policies and practice.
4、联合国国际贸易法委员会为巩固国际商法所做工作的理由A justification for UNCITRAL's work for consolidation of international commercial law.
5、倡导软法律文书以巩固全球的国际商法。Advocacy for soft law instruments to consolidate international commercial law across the globe.
6、与英国国际商法的法律兼容性--文献综述.Legal compatibility with international commercial law in the UK- a literature review.
7、关于国际商事仲裁和调解的观点 .Perspectives on international commercial arbitration and mediation .
8、国际商法及其对部分亚洲经济体国家背景下的商法的影响.International commercial law and its implications for commercial laws in the national context of selected Asian economies.
9、国际商法对外国投资有什么指导意义?What does international commercial law guide regarding foreign investments?
10、国际商法如何描述能源项目的海外投资?How does international commercial law describe overseas investment in energy projects?
11、关于英国脱欧后国际商法的情景讨论A situational discussion on international commercial law in the UK after BREXIT
12、关于铁路的国际商法。International commercial law on railways.
13、通过国际商法的提单。Bills of lading through international commercial law.
14、国际商法下的海上贸易--文献回顾.Sea trade under international commercial law- literature review.
15、受国际商法影响的内陆国家的贸易.Trade in land-locked states influenced by international commercial law.
16、全球化、国际商业交易和商法--来自文献的观点。Globalization, international business transactions and commercial law- perspectives from literature.
17、国际商法下的金融腐败。Financial corruption under international commercial law.
18、第三方资金背景下的国际商法回顾。A review of international commercial law in the context of third party funding.
19、国际商事法庭和对跨国公司商业交易的影响。An international commercial court and implications for business transactions of multinationals.
20、国际商法和伊斯兰教法对穆斯林国家金融的比较审查。A comparative review of international commercial law and Islamic Shariah on finance in Muslim countries.
21、对从事国际商法工作的必要条件的回顾。A review of the requisites for a career in international commercial law.
相关热词搜索: 英国国际商法毕业论文题目